商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:futengjixie.qy6.com 锯边机厂家,数控锯边机,纵横向锯边机,木工锯边机,自动锯边机,自动_邢台市富腾机械厂
联系人:刘经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0319-7526999
手 机:19933233222




    JSBJ2500型简易纵横四边锯/JSBJ2500 vertical and horizontal saw


技术参数/Technical parameter:

产品名称: JSBJ2500型简易纵横四边锯 Product name: JSBJ2500 type full automatic vertical and horizontal saw

*大锯切尺寸: 1220mmx2440mm Maximum sawing dimension: 1220mmx2440mm

*大锯切厚度: 50mm Maximum sawing thickness: 50mm

锯片轴直径: 25mm Saw shaft diameter: 25mm

锯切电机功率: 4kw/4台 Saw cutting motor power: 4kw/4台

*大锯片直径: 300mm saw blade diameter: 300mm

外形尺寸: 7500x3500x1200mm Outline dimension: 7500x3500x1200mm

重量: 2600kg Weight: 2600kg



Factory specializing in the production , four cutting saw, fire board cutting saw. This equipment is wool board will make a good (fireproof board, glass magnesium board, fireproof insulation board, flue plate, gypsum board) special equipment of plate cutting, cutting size can be adjusted, the machine has stable operation, high cutting precision, easy to use, the cylinder pressure is fixed, the cutting stroke once completed, is the ideal equipment of cutting plate factory. Cutting thickness 50mm, smooth operation, cutting speed, high precision, using the cylinder pressure fixed, the entire cutting stroke a key to complete, high degree of automation, easy to operate! According to the requirements of the user with a pulse type dust removal system, plate vacuum cutting equipment plate vacuum cutting machine automation degree

刘经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0319-7526999
传  真: 0319-7526999
移动电话: 19933233222
公司地址: 中国河北任县河北省邢台市任县邢湾镇环水村
邮  编: 055151
公司主页: http://futengjixie.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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邢台市富腾机械厂 公司地址:中国河北任县河北省邢台市任县邢湾镇环水村
刘经理 先生 (经理) 电话:0319-7526999 传真:0319-7526999
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